About school times, holidays & classes
Our Learn to Swim Lessons are all 30 minutes long.
The Teacher-Swimmer ratio depends on the age and level of the swimmer. Beginners will range from 2 to 4 swimmers per teacher.
A parent or care giver is encouraged to join swimmers under the age of 2 years, but it is not compulsory. From 2 years upwards swimmers are seen as independent and will receive Learn to Swim lessons together with swimmers at the same age and level.
No, we do not close during school holidays. We are open right throughout the year. At Swimming Stars™ Summer Never Stops!
MOnday to Fridays 08:30-17:30; Saturdays 08:00 to 13:00. As different instructors teach simultaneously different age groups of different levels can be accommodated at the same time.
New swimmers can enrol at any time.
No, we do not close during school holidays. We are open right throughout the year. At Swimming Stars™ Summer Never Stops!
Yes! Our pools are all heated and indoors. The change rooms are well equipped with hot showers and hair dryers.
Yes, of course! We specifically cater for busy Mothers and working parents.
About new swimmers, teachers & swimming devices
Every child is different and therefore it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. However practice and exposure are the keys to learning therefore if you want your child to learn fast you need to take them to the pool regularly this means two or more times per week. The earlier a child is exposed to swimming the faster they will become comfortable enough to learn effectively.
Our program focuses on the child and not the teacher. A swimmer is evaluated 3 x per year exactly for this reason. All our teachers are equally trained and qualified. We do however encourage teachers to teach according to their personalities as it is of great importance that each teacher keeps her individuality.
First try to determine what is upsetting the child. Are they hungry? Are they tired? Are they cold? Did they swallow some water? Once you know what the problem is then it is a lot easier to fix it. For instance you may simply need to feed them at a suitable time before they have their lesson or you may need to put a sun shirt on the baby/young swimmer to keep them warm. Another way to stop crying is through distraction. Toys are excellent stimulants and great distractions. Noise is also great for distraction e.g. tapping a cup on the side of the pool.
Finally if your baby/child cries, avoid taking them out of the water. Try to comfort the baby/child while still in the pool. If young swimmers are allowed to get out of the pool every time they cry, then they are going to associate being upset with getting out of the pool which will defeat the purpose of the lesson.
We believe children should learn to swim without the assistance of flotation devices. Children should learn the feel of their own buoyancy and be able to experience that fun floating sensation before propulsion is taught. Learning to swim without flotation devices teaches children a respect for the water and keeps them safe.
Our programme first of all will teach your child to respect the water and the essential survival skills. Then as soon as he/she has developed the coordination required, formal strokes will be introduced.
We recommend caps to children participating in learn to swim classes and above. Caps are great for keeping long hair out of faces and they also assist in hygiene allowing us to keep our pool clean and tidy. At Swimming Stars™ swimmers are also grouped according to cap colour indicating the level and improvement of each swimmer.
Goggles are not a necessity. However they may help if children have sensitive or sore eyes. With goggles it is important that children do not become reliant on them. This means always conducting a certain part of the lesson without goggles, for example the survival skills. Remember children need to learn to swim without goggles for safety reasons e.g. if they fall into a pool/dam.
About falling ill & missing classes
Please notify the front desk that your child will not be attending the lesson and that the swimming teacher should not wait for him/her. If your child needs to see the doctor please request a doctor’s letter which will enable you to arrange a make-up lesson. If your child is seriously ill, breaks a limb or needs an operation there is always the option to put your membership On Hold for an extended period at a reduced fee.
If a child miss lessons because the family took him on holiday or to visit, the onus rests on the parent. If the child misses lessons because the teacher is absent, it is the teacher’s responsibility to make arrangements with the parent to make-up lost lessons.
A parent or care giver is encouraged to join swimmers under the age of 2 years, but it is not compulsory. From 2 years upwards swimmers are seen as independent and will receive Learn to Swim lessons together with swimmers at the same age and level.
No, we do not close during school holidays. We are open right throughout the year. At Swimming Stars™ Summer Never Stops!
MOnday to Fridays 08:30-17:30; Saturdays 08:00 to 13:00. As different instructors teach simultaneously different age groups of different levels can be accommodated at the same time.
New swimmers can enrol at any time.